Category Archives: Celebrations

10 Delicious and Simple Kid-Friendly Big Game Food Ideas

The biggest game of the year is fast approaching. Some people throw amazing parties and others choose to stay home. Whatever you are doing hopefully your kids will cooperate and join in on the fun with you. To keep the kids happy this year try out these 10 kid-friendly Big Game food ideas that are […]

A Letter to My Daughter as You Leave Elementary School

As the applause fades and you walk through the doors of elementary school for the last time, please forgive me as I cry. I know that you are excited for summer and for middle school to start. But me, I am sad. This is your final day as a child. Once you walk across the […]

Why I’m (Considering) Not Throwing My Daughter a First Birthday Party

I’m still considering if I should write this post, do I really not want to throw her a first birthday party? In between diapers, voice experimenting screams and milking on demand, no, I don’t want to plan a birthday party for a baby that won’t remember anything. I know the party is more for the adults, but I feel like […]

Florida Aquarium – Fun for the Littlest Explorer

As a still new mom to a 16 month old, my husband and I often find ourselves wondering how to spend a Saturday afternoon. Where can we take our daughter to get her out of the house, stimulated, and having fun? She’s still too young for many places, but now that she’s walking, more options […]

First Birthday Party Lessons

Probably like most new moms, I went into my daughter’s first birthday party wide-eyed and excited (with a tinge of sadness that my baby is growing up so quickly). As a busy working mom without a lot of free time, I tried to keep it simple. Although not residents, we were able to reserve the clubhouse at The […]

My Baby Has a Boyfriend: Your Child’s First Crush

Kindergartener: “Mama, I have a boyfriend.” Me: “Who is it?” Kindergartener: “Bryce.” Me: “How do you know he is your boyfriend?” Kindergartener: “He kissed me on the cheek.” Me: (Raised eyebrows)“No more kisses at school. Got it?” Valentine’s Day card exchanges at school spark conversations about lovey-dovey stuff. While I remember my childhood crush on […]

Baby, Don’t Be A Firework Jerk

It was nearly 11 p.m. on a cold (by Florida standards anyway) January night, days past New Year’s Eve in a master-planned, suburban HOA community. Unveiled under the wintery, star-filled night sky was a neighborhood full of disrespect and discontent towards one another. This is a tale that may be familiar to most, as it occurs too […]

Should Halloween ALWAYS be on Saturday? The Great Pumpkin Debate!

Many of us know the struggle that comes when October 31 falls on a weekday, as it does this year. We rush out of work, road-raging our way through the congested streets of Tampa Bay, to get home to our young children. We quickly throw food on their plates, get them in their Halloween costumes […]

Reflections on a High School Graduate and the Journey Ahead

Adorned in cap and gown, the small blonde kid we’ve grown into a man walks across the stage and into the next steps towards adulthood next week. He will toss his cap in the air and officially be a high school graduate. One long chapter filled with lessons, tests, homework, and school projects on giant […]