Category Archives: Parenting Wisdom

Why I’m (Considering) Not Throwing My Daughter a First Birthday Party

I’m still considering if I should write this post, do I really not want to throw her a first birthday party? In between diapers, voice experimenting screams and milking on demand, no, I don’t want to plan a birthday party for a baby that won’t remember anything. I know the party is more for the adults, but I feel like […]

Postpartum Care: No, You Don’t Need to “Bounce Back” After Childbirth

Ten days after my second child was born, I was sure my body had just about fully healed from childbirth. I felt like I was bouncing back. Caring for two kids was going pretty well. I was even keeping up with dishes and laundry. Postpartum rest never even crossed my mind. My husband helped with our […]

Florida Aquarium – Fun for the Littlest Explorer

As a still new mom to a 16 month old, my husband and I often find ourselves wondering how to spend a Saturday afternoon. Where can we take our daughter to get her out of the house, stimulated, and having fun? She’s still too young for many places, but now that she’s walking, more options […]

First Birthday Party Lessons

Probably like most new moms, I went into my daughter’s first birthday party wide-eyed and excited (with a tinge of sadness that my baby is growing up so quickly). As a busy working mom without a lot of free time, I tried to keep it simple. Although not residents, we were able to reserve the clubhouse at The […]

6 Things I Wish I Someone Told Me Before I Became a Mom

Nothing can prepare you for motherhood. Each mother is different and each baby is different, so there can’t possibly be a manual for motherhood. However, there are a few things I wish someone had told me before I entered this wild, wonderful, beautiful world of motherhood. A sort of list to prepare me for the […]

5 Tips For Surviving Motherhood When You Live Far From Family

As the mom of two elementary-age kids born 16 months apart, I’ve had a decent amount of parenting challenges. My husband and I are transplants to Tampa, so one of the most challenging things has been living far from family. Thru my experience, the following are helpful tips for surviving motherhood when you live far […]

Five Tips to Help You Make Mom Friends

I remember when I first had my oldest son. A lot of my friends then did not have kids so it was difficult for me to keep up with them. I had just turned 22 so I wasn’t too big on going out anymore. There were no more late nights at the clubs or spur […]

I Am A Horrible Parent – Just Ask My Toddler

Today started off normal enough – breakfast, feeding horses with my toddler, and watching the new Disney princess. Then we went to have some blood work done. Well, you would think it would be the actual blood drawing process that wiped us out, but no – it was the 45-minute wait with a toddler having […]

Congratulations, it’s a high needs baby!

My daughter, Sophia, was a “good” baby. I didn’t think so at the time. I remember feeling tired and overwhelmed. She struggled to latch on and breastfeeding was a constant challenge. My hormones were crazy and I felt the “baby blues” pretty badly for the first two or three weeks of her life. I remember […]

Behavior Bites Series #2: Routines, Rituals, and Development

behaviorbites2BEHAVIOR BITES SERIES #2: Routines, Rituals, and Development   ROUTINES Every morning I start off doing the same thing: wake up, bathroom, coffee, get dressed, breakfast, get boys ready and fed, and walk out the door. This is planned and expected. We each have our own routines of how we do things throughout the day. […]