Author Archives: Tricia Sportsman

Lessons Learned from Potty Training During the Pandemic

Earlier this spring when I was home with my kids and my husband during the quarantine, we decided it was the perfect time for potty training! I will tell you, the nice thing about potty training during the pandemic was that it gave us something else to focus on and worry about other than what […]

7 Fun Sensory Activities For Toddlers

Have you more than ever, needed sensory fun and educational activities to keep your toddler busy? I know the feeling all too well! Having a toddler who won’t sit still, is definitely challenging to say the least. At 12:00 am, I am on my phone searching for fun sensory activities for my little one to […]

A Letter to My Daughter as You Leave Elementary School

As the applause fades and you walk through the doors of elementary school for the last time, please forgive me as I cry. I know that you are excited for summer and for middle school to start. But me, I am sad. This is your final day as a child. Once you walk across the […]

What is Free VPK? (And How Do I Sign My Kid Up?)

Drive anywhere in the Tampa Bay suburbs and you’ll see signs advertising free VPK at many daycare centers. If you’re new to Florida schools, you’ve probably noticed the signs and wondered, what’s that? Years ago before I had kids, these signs caught my eye and I was curious about this VPK thing. But it wasn’t […]

How to Talk to Your Child About Bullying and Bully Prevention

As you’re driving home from school with your kids, you overhear them talking about another child in their class. Your child calls this other student a bully. And says that “they are mean.” As a parent, you may find yourself asking several different questions. “Is that child a bully? Is my child being bullied? What […]

The Day I Realized My Stranger Danger Message Hadn’t Hit Home

I always tell my children not to speak to strangers. I say it a lot and I say it loud. But apparently it’s like most of what I say—in one ear and out the other. I realized one quarantined day in May that my stranger danger message hadn’t hit home. My girls, who are six […]

Why I’m (Considering) Not Throwing My Daughter a First Birthday Party

I’m still considering if I should write this post, do I really not want to throw her a first birthday party? In between diapers, voice experimenting screams and milking on demand, no, I don’t want to plan a birthday party for a baby that won’t remember anything. I know the party is more for the adults, but I feel like […]

Postpartum Care: No, You Don’t Need to “Bounce Back” After Childbirth

Ten days after my second child was born, I was sure my body had just about fully healed from childbirth. I felt like I was bouncing back. Caring for two kids was going pretty well. I was even keeping up with dishes and laundry. Postpartum rest never even crossed my mind. My husband helped with our […]

Florida Aquarium – Fun for the Littlest Explorer

As a still new mom to a 16 month old, my husband and I often find ourselves wondering how to spend a Saturday afternoon. Where can we take our daughter to get her out of the house, stimulated, and having fun? She’s still too young for many places, but now that she’s walking, more options […]

First Birthday Party Lessons

Probably like most new moms, I went into my daughter’s first birthday party wide-eyed and excited (with a tinge of sadness that my baby is growing up so quickly). As a busy working mom without a lot of free time, I tried to keep it simple. Although not residents, we were able to reserve the clubhouse at The […]